As our adventures on the road came to an end, it was time to kindle the holiday spirit and settle in our new home. Time to find the perfect Christmas tree, bake gingerbread cookies, and savor the holiday spirit. The weather outside has been delightful, cold, dark, yet delightful. The fresh snow reflecting the few hours of midday sun, just enough to keep smiles on our faces and relish in spending these holidays together. While our friends and family in California have been missed, we have so many memories of this past year to keep us together in spirit.
December 25, 2010
October 18, 2010
Late fall in the Wasatch 1:10 PM
A picture that only a small child could paint, so full of color, yet with no attention to order, reds, yellows, oranges, in contrast and combination. These are colors of autumn alive in the mountains. These are the colors of the Wasatch Range in fall
October 15, 2010
The Wild and Majestic Tetons 3:49 AM
Leaving the caldera of Yellowstone National Park, we approach the alpine landscape of The Tetons Range. The majestic peaks slowly rises in elevation and grandeur as we drive south around Jackson Lake. Most of the autumn color has past, yet a few groves of golden aspens remain, stubbornly standing against the approaching winter. Being mid October, these high mountains have already tasted their first winter snows and down here in the valley the tourist season is already over. We feel refreshingly alone and content.
October 14, 2010
Yellowstone - Bison, Bear, and Geysers 1:48 PM
An early season snowfall coated the upper slopes of the Beartooth Mountains closing the Beartooth Pass for the season. According to the National Park website, it was scheduled to close in a couple days anyway, so it wasn't a difficult decision to instead drive up Paradise Valley along the Yellowstone River, through Gardiner and on into Yellowstone National Park. While the quite of the off season was felt heading into the park, we still were able to spot the occasional fly fisherman out enjoying the beautiful fall weather.
October 10, 2010
Bozeman - At home on the road 10:10 AM
As events unfolded over the course of summer, we came in contact with with a family of Norwegian descendants and were invited to come visit on our autumn travels through Montana. And while our journey would have taken us through Bozeman regardless, getting to see and experience a place through the generosity of locals creates a much deeper impression. So while we hadn't travelled far from our previous destination, we again welcomed the sense of hospitality of new friends.
October 7, 2010
Bouldering with old friends - Butte Montana 3:37 PM
Unfortunately plans to get out onto one of the big ranches of the Front Range fell through so we sped south across the grassy landscape towards Helena and then on to Butte. The rain continued to fall, so we wouldn't have been able to do much out on the ranch anyway other than get wet. The kids I'm sure would have enjoyed seeing the herds of cattle, and the contrast to the wildness of Glacier National Park would have given our trip another dimension. Instead, we ended up with a night out on the prairie, and then continued on towards Butte and a break in the storms.
October 4, 2010
Mountain Goats and Grizzlies 10:33 PM
Clouds slowly move in from the west alternately hiding and revealing the ragged peaks of Glacier National Park. Bare aspen trunks mingle with those that still cling to their golden leaves. We drive closer to the heart of the park, climbing up out of the lower reaches and ever closer to the glacier covered peaks. Knowing that a storm is imminent in the next couple days, we hope to get out and enjoy the autumn beauty in this amazing place before the rain sets in.
October 2, 2010
First Glimpse of Glacier National Park 10:59 PM
The tourist season in northern Montana came to an end a few weeks before we arrived. While this didn't come as a surprise, it did create a few logistical challenges as we headed into Glacier National Park. Most of the services were closed for the season, and what we had hoped would be one of the highlights, the Going to the Sun highway, was closed for construction. Thus, we had to get creative. We started our adventure on the western side of Logan Pass and drove as far as the road was open, which allowed us a first impression of the rugged peaks, glacial lakes, and roaring rivers. With a bit of hiking we were able to get away from the road, but being a Saturday with sunny skies and mild temperatures, there were plenty of "local" Montanans out for a hike as well. We packed a picnic lunch and headed up into the mountains along a well trodden path.
October 1, 2010
Indian Summer in Northern Montana 10:06 PM
Whitefish, MT - The sun is shining and the surface of Whitefish Lake is calm enough to reflect the surrounding mountains that rise up from it's shores. The intermittent boat comes and goes across the lake, out enjoying indian summer in Northern Montana. Aware of the forecast for rain in the coming days, we enjoy an afternoon at sandy City Beach. Our boys play with their toy tractors, digging, creating, imagining. The water is cool and refreshing yet the autumn color reminds us that summer is over. For what is probably the last time we try to make the most of this sunshine in this serene setting.
September 30, 2010
Fire on the Mountain - The Sawtooths of Idaho 9:56 PM
Headed north, toward the Glacier National Park, the landscape slowly changes. The High Desert of Nevada gives way first to the farmlands of Idaho. And then, on a whim, we detour off onto the Sawtooth Scenic byway, and soon signs of autumn become prevalent. Suddenly we are immersed in fall beauty. Driving past the resort towns of Ketchum and Sun Valley, the colors began to emerge in the aspen covered hillsides. The mountains come alive and entire mountainsides are seemingly on fire. Reds, oranges and yellows contrast the bright blue sky and we slow our pace to take in the awe inspiring colors. And as the hillsides grew steeper and bigger, the colors became more vibrant.
September 29, 2010
Crossing Nevada 11:06 AM
As we leave the Sierra Nevada behind us, the landscape becomes more barren and monotonous. Mountains and hills still obscure the horizon, but forests have led to dry sage covered wilderness. While far from flat, Nevada still seems endless. Speeding along the freeway following the contours of the landscape, we weave our way in and out of smaller mountains or hills slowly making our way east.
September 27, 2010
Chasing Autumn 9:20 AM
Every fall for just a few short weeks a window opens into a magical and colorful world. Not everywhere is the magic as apparent, but we set out to find a few places where the autumn color was resplendent enough to inspire. We put together a rough plan over the course of a long summer and by the time we were finally able to set off, we weren't sure how our timing would work out. We simply looked forward to hitting the road experiencing new places and cooling off after the warm dry summer. If we were able to catch just a bit of color on the way, it'd add that much more to our journey, but just being on the road spending time together was enough to satisfy. Looking at our destinations though, the chance for something new and exciting was pretty good. Using the National Parks as waypoints, we figured we'd experience some impressive natural wonders. As a bonus, we'd be visiting in the off season again and hopefully have places more to ourselves.
August 22, 2010
Grandpa's Garden 10:38 PM
Every evening around dinner time has been harvest time in Grandpa's garden. As the summer sun warmed and nurtured, seedlings grew into hearty plants full of fruits and vegetables begging to be picked and tasted. For the kids, watching the plants grow has taught them a little something about the course of nature, and where our food comes from. For us adults, each tomato, or leaf of basil was something to be savored in a salad or on it's own.
July 26, 2010
Beyond Bouldering 9:06 AM
Upon being asked when he started climbing, the Norwegian eco-philosopher Arne Næss elegantly replied, "When did you stop climbing?" Most of us were climbers growing up, whether it be trees, or sofas, stairs, or rock walls. As we grow older, most of us neglect that innate desire to climb and challenge ourselves in the vertical realm. For those of us that do climb, the urge to feel the pull of gravity and air beneath our feet manifests in many ways, whether it be climbing a frozen pillar of ice or bouldering under the warm desert sun. Climbing isn't always something that comes naturally, it's a skill that needs to be cultivated not only physically but mentally. Bringing our children out on the rock has seemed like a natural extension of the outdoor activities they already have been accustomed to. Climbing is not something we pushed them into, it's something we allow them to experience themselves and find their own limits and challenges.
July 24, 2010
Backpacking in the High Sierra 10:25 PM
As we gaze at the imposing jagged peaks surrounding us, we try to forget the mosquitoes and enjoy our pristine surroundings. We find ourselves amongst some of the most spectacular mountains in northern Yosemite, polished white granite contrasting with a crystal clear blue skies and alpine lakes. Here, we are bringing our children closer to nature, showing them some of the beauty that has influenced our own lives and decisions. We've brought our boys here to get away from the unpleasant summer heat of the lower elevations.
July 3, 2010
Driving the Pacific coast - An Ecamper review 5:31 PM
As we drove northward, we plowed through the rain, intent on reaching our northernmost destination of Tofino, British Columbia. It had been a long haul, not being able to get out onto the beach as much as we had hoped, but still getting plenty wet and dirty. However, the precipitation gave us a chance to become more acquainted with our Ecamper and see what it could handle.
May 30, 2010
Wild Salmon and Domesticated Goats - Victoria BC 2:14 PM
After the rainy weather in the Olympics, and basically since leaving San Francisco a few weeks prior, Victoria offered a welcome respite. Despite having just left Portland a few days earlier, it was still nice to be in a city again. We didn't completely escape the rain, but intermittent periods of sunshine allowed to enjoy wandering the city. The Children's Farm kept us busy for a couple hours, staring down peacocks and chasing the baby goats. We also made it down to the waterfront to Red Fish Blue Fish, for a healthy portion fish and chips and tacones, made with fresh wild salmon.
May 28, 2010
The Rainy Pacific Northwest - Olympic National Park 10:05 PM
The rain continued to fall as we left Portland. Not suprising perhaps since we were headed toward the rain forests of Olympic National Park. Up until we reached Portland, we had followed the coast s much as possible and had a sense of where we were headed. Leaving Portland though set us off on a new adventure. All we knew was that we were still headed north toward Victoria British Columbia, but how we get there was a matter of making decisions underway. Olympic National Park seemed like a worthy destination so we braved the rain and made our way out toward the Pacific coast once again.
Portland, Oregon - Urban adventures 5:23 PM
After a couple weeks along the wild Pacific coast, it was a little strange to be headed inland. At the same time it was great to break the routine of camping and getting wet and dirty. For a couple days we traded in the spectacular coastal scenery for more urban adventures.
Small children and big cities. Having done a little background reading on Portland, we had a few things we wanted to see and experience, but how to fit in meals and naps remain a challenge. To keep it simple, we simply kept our expectations reasonable, and fit in what we were able to fit in. It's often hard to decide what few things to prioritize when there is seemingly so many interesting things to see and do in Portland, but we decided to spend one day roaming the cities famous gardens, and another wandering through the downtown shops and streets.
Small children and big cities. Having done a little background reading on Portland, we had a few things we wanted to see and experience, but how to fit in meals and naps remain a challenge. To keep it simple, we simply kept our expectations reasonable, and fit in what we were able to fit in. It's often hard to decide what few things to prioritize when there is seemingly so many interesting things to see and do in Portland, but we decided to spend one day roaming the cities famous gardens, and another wandering through the downtown shops and streets.
May 25, 2010
Beaches and brews on the Oregon coast. 1:24 PM
Apart from a couple signs along the highway, there was little to indicate our crossing from California into Oregon. The beautiful and dramatic coastline continued uninterrupted with cliffs and sea stacks jutting into and out of the turbulent sea. Eventually though, the ragged landscape gave way to more gentle terrain with sand dunes, and endless sandy beaches. However, something was different about Oregon, although it's something difficult to describe it's something positive. Perhaps it has something to do with fewer people and fewer tourists and an equally inspiring coastline. Oregon just feels a little more relaxed, like they know something that the rest of us don't. Whatever it is we made our way north, dodging rain showers and enjoying the spectacular views of the coast.
May 20, 2010
More Redwoods, and Rain 11:20 PM
The Avenue of the Giants led us toward the last few little cities in Northern California, Humboldt, and the quaint college town of Arcata, before leading us into even more redwoods and the largest concentration of old growth coastal redwoods in Redwood National Park. For the most part our journey so far has seen mostly sunny skies with some coastal fog, but as we get further north the weather has turned, predictably, and become more unsettled. The challenges of sitting together in a car, and sleeping together either in our ecamper or tent have required compromise for each of us.
May 18, 2010
Redwoods and Rhododendrons 10:03 PM

Westport Union Landing, California. A week has passed since we began our journey. Progress has been slow, intentionally. After traveling the Pacific Coast Highway from San Francisco, it was somewhat disappointing to leave the coast (if only for a little while) and move onto somewhat better and wider roads. However, the detours are still ever present and we take every chance we can to get off the main highway to experience the scenery at a slower pace.
May 12, 2010
The Pacific Coast Highway - headed north 9:18 PM
Ocean Cove, California. The waves crash against the rocky shore lulling us to sleep, a fitting end to a day driving and exploring along the Pacific Coast Highway. Without any place to be or time to be there, our pace and journey are being influenced by the sights and sounds as we pass by. The beauty of where land meets ocean, waves meet sand, rocky bluffs, and the coastal mountains are the what have inspired this journey northward along the coast. Wildflowers abound, "Happy Cows" and other seemingly content animals graze in the lush meadows and pastures, and small coastal villages beckon for a stop, if only for a cup of caffe latte and short stroll among art galleries and local crafts and locally grown foods.
May 5, 2010
Monterey and the Bay Aquarium 10:14 AM
Getting close to nature isn't always as easy as taking a hike in the woods or a stroll along the beach. Sometimes the only way to get close to exotic wildlife is through a glass window. For children though, the experience can be equally fascinating and wild. Visiting Monterey gave us the chance to do both. After leaving Lake Tahoe with our fully packed ECamper, we met up with family for a weekend on the rocky Monterey Peninsula, for a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and to hang out on the sandy beaches and explore tide pools.
April 27, 2010
Leaving Lake Tahoe 3:03 PM
Last Tracks - A farewell to winter 3:03 PM
As I stood alone at the top Lower Saddle at Alpine Meadows for one last time, I gazed out over the snow covered mountains surrounding me and down upon Lake Tahoe. I reflected for a few minutes on the season that was about to come to an end, grateful for the many beautiful days in the mountains, with family and on skis. From skiing alone among the trees at Homewood on a stormy powder day, to watching Elias make his first turns (by himself) on spring corn snow under cloudless blue skies, to hearing Mariann ecstatic about starting to feel feel the groove and have fun on telemark skis, this season has given us many great experiences to look back upon. While a long spring, summer and fall separate us from next season's first snowfall, we can anticipate those first turns on new fallen snow with the memories of a fabulous winter at Lake Tahoe. Alas, the snow is melting, even on the high peaks, flowers are blooming, waterfalls are roaring and it's time for new seasons and adventures.
April 16, 2010
Becoming big - turning three 9:45 PM
When do you actually become big? For Elias, turning three signified a change from being a little boy to a big boy overnight, at least when it works to his advantage. For us, he already is big, and growing way to fast. It's hard for us to believe where this time went by. The year from two to three involved lots of changes and new challenges for a little boy. Becoming a big brother, moving from our house in Norway, traveling around California and beyond, learning to ski for real, developing two languages.... learning, learning and learning some more. Elias learned to appreciate even more being outside surrounded by nature, exploring new places and tackling new situations. It was a big challenge for me as a mom to fulfill your biggest birthday wish, not every three year old wants a cow cake.
Hurra for deg som fyller tre år Elias! Du er best.
Hurra for deg som fyller tre år Elias! Du er best.
April 7, 2010
Coffee Roasting - Yosemite style 10:09 PM
Driving down a lonely highway in the Yosemite foothills the smell of roasting coffee is delightfully unexpected. Although we had been driving through the hills in search of wildflowers, the cool and wet winter and another late winter storm had put things on hold. So instead of enjoying hillsides bathed in floral color, we made a detour at the Mariposa Coffee Company to pick up a couple pounds of freshly roasted coffee beans. However, instead of just getting beans, we were treated to a hands on tour of the roasting process as well as a cup of coffee made from beans roasted just minutes earlier.
March 31, 2010
The Ocean 10:02 PM
A trip to the Ocean means sand between our toes and the sweet smell of salty air in our nose, fresh and aromatic - delightful and distinctive. Driving trough eucalyptus groves, (although not native to California) with an intense clean smell that complementing the sounds of the waves breaking clears the mind, completely. Spring is in the air, wildflowers are blooming, birds are singing and waves are crashing. What better time to enjoy a long expanse of beach by ourselves, letting our boys frolic in the receding tide and dig in the soft clean sand while we comb the beach for shells and pebbles, letting our senses wander and our thoughts disperse with the cool breeze.
The winter rains have combined with the moist ocean air to bring life to the hills, moss drapes from evergreen branches, bushes and grasses bloom with radiant color. We are spellbound, entranced by the beauty surrounding us. Even driving along narrow winding coastal roads looking down steep precipices to the crashing ocean below is meditative. We aren't in a hurry, we don't need to be anywhere. We can just slow down and take in the natural wonder waiting behind the next bend in the road. Spring has sprung and we are cherishing it's splendor.
The winter rains have combined with the moist ocean air to bring life to the hills, moss drapes from evergreen branches, bushes and grasses bloom with radiant color. We are spellbound, entranced by the beauty surrounding us. Even driving along narrow winding coastal roads looking down steep precipices to the crashing ocean below is meditative. We aren't in a hurry, we don't need to be anywhere. We can just slow down and take in the natural wonder waiting behind the next bend in the road. Spring has sprung and we are cherishing it's splendor.
San Francisco - Gardens and Playgrounds 4:39 PM
The thoughts of spring and cherry blossoms are perhaps not the first things that come to mind when describing San Francisco, but as the snows recede in the mountains, spring is taking hold down in the valleys and along the California coast. Golden Gate Park, with it's colorful gardens and playgrounds beckoned for a visit. How though, to see the city with two small children?
San Francisco, like all large major cities, needs to be consumed in small doses or it quickly becomes overwhelming for two patient little boys. So with an unambitious itinerary we set out to enjoy the signs of spring in the city.
San Francisco, like all large major cities, needs to be consumed in small doses or it quickly becomes overwhelming for two patient little boys. So with an unambitious itinerary we set out to enjoy the signs of spring in the city.
March 22, 2010
First Tracks 11:09 PM
The allure of looking back at a fresh set of tracks carved gracefully in new fallen snow is something most skiers can understand and appreciate. A winter storm rolled into Truckee and sent me out into the snow in search of some of those precious first tracks. However, that same allure is felt by many and the search for a patch of untracked powder often proves difficult, particularly in ski areas inhabited by an overpopulation of ski bums. On two particular days this March, the usual crowd was thinner than expected and the search proved easier than anticipated.
March 19, 2010
Granite Playground 9:01 PM
As one of the last cold and snowy storms moved in we left the shelter of the mountains. Despite the promise of a few days of great skiing, we abandoned our skis and headed through the storm and made our way down out of the snow, toward spring and a few days respite from winter.
Under the premise of finding a playground of large climable boulders in a clean granite landscape, we followed windy mountain roads up from the Sacremento Valley floor and came to a stop in the shadow of riparian forest curious as to what could possibly lie just a few minutes walk through the trees. A short stroll led us out of the shadows of pines and cedars and into a granite playground. Boulders of every shape and size were strewn across clean granite slabs. With a beautiful blue sky above, we set out to explore and play.
Under the premise of finding a playground of large climable boulders in a clean granite landscape, we followed windy mountain roads up from the Sacremento Valley floor and came to a stop in the shadow of riparian forest curious as to what could possibly lie just a few minutes walk through the trees. A short stroll led us out of the shadows of pines and cedars and into a granite playground. Boulders of every shape and size were strewn across clean granite slabs. With a beautiful blue sky above, we set out to explore and play.
March 1, 2010
Learning to Ski 9:48 PM
Finding a balance between our own desire to ski with spending time with our kids has proven to be much easier than anticipated. For the most part, we've had to swap time indoors hanging out/playing with the kids and getting a few turns in. With a long ski season though, we've already got plenty of skiing in, even if it only amount to a couple hours a day. They best part about having season passes and no other plans is that we aren't in a hurry. That in itself makes the day go much smoother. On days with fresh snow, I've been fortunate to be able to head out first and get my share of the powder before coming back in and taking my turn with the kids. The one challenge though has been trying to share our joy of skiing with Elias. Not quite three years old yet, he's already spent a fair amount of time on skis, having received his first pair when we was a little over a year and a half. This winter, we've been able to take him onto the ski lift for a different perspective than just skiing on the flats. For the most part, he's been skiing between my legs and learning to put more and more weight on his skis so that eventually he can ski on his own. However, as the season has progressed, he has shown plenty of enthusiasm and is finally able to ski down low angle slopes on his own.
February 23, 2010
Back to the Mountains 10:17 PM
A fresh snowfall last night left enough snow to blanket the upper slopes of Alpine Meadows and provide for a few more turns in light powder. The spring like weather of the past week or so had left most of the hill skied out and pretty bumpy, so the fresh powder was more than welcome. Today, the rest of the family granted me the first hour or so by myself so I hurriedly put on my skis and headed for the top of the mountain. What was waiting for me wasn't just the great skiing, but also a beautiful landscape begging to be photographed. So instead of hastily heading to the best lines I could find, I stopped and tried to capture some of the beauty that surrounded me. The blue sky, craggy outcrops, Lake Tahoe in the distance, rime covered trees, it was all as inspiring as the skiing that followed.
February 22, 2010
The ECamper 10:11 PM
One of the biggest questions we had while planning our year sabbatical, was how we were going to get around. After many hours of planning we were able to put together a list of ideas that would serve to give us a general idea of what we wanted to do and where we wanted to go, but still give us plenty of room for flexibility and spontaneity. However, we still needed to figure out how we would get to all the places and things we wanted to visit and do. A sense of nostalgia had us looking at VW buses initially, but with two small kids, something more reliable seemed more appropriate. After a few searches on the internet, we came across something exciting, yet very different, the ECamper.
February 18, 2010
Happy Birthday Frêney! 10:07 PM
February 17, 2010
Joshua Tree 12:42 PM
The beauty of the American West is likely more connected to the deserts than the mountains. Both, however, are places of with wild and stunning landscapes. Having already made the journey south toward San Diego, we took advantage of the opportunity to drive out into the desert and spend a day in Joshua Tree National Park. While the drive itself provided views of the desert landscape framed by snowclad mountains, it wasn't until we pulled off the main highway and climbed into into the hills, the reason for the National Park became ever so apparent. The unique granite outcrops and boulders contrasted with the funky Joshua Trees to create a unique landscape.
February 15, 2010
Farmers Market - Santa Barbara 11:41 AM
While planning this whole trip, the opportunities to be able to get fresh fruits and vegetables for the season has been one of the main treats to taking a sabbatical in California. Fresh local produce, flowers, plants, freshly baked pies and preserves, eggs, locally raised meats and much more! Finally! We are able to get fresh fruit and vegetables!
February 10, 2010
On the Road 10:02 AM
After the big storms in Truckee, the time finally came for our first road trip. We packed up our Honda Element, and headed south in search of a little more sunshine, mild weather and a couple weeks respite from the snow. While we aren't really tired of snow, we actually just needed to get our Element to San Diego to get it converted to a custom camping vehicle, an ECamper. With San Diego being about 1000 km from Truckee, not only did we have to break the trip up into shorter segments, but it also gave us the chance to visit a few places of interest along the way.
January 27, 2010
The (Pretty) Big Snow 11:27 PM
The 10 feet (3 meters) of snow that was forcast didn't quite materialize, but we did end up getting a fair amount of snow. On the upper slopes of Alpine Meadows, the totalt storm totals were probably up around six feet, which is definitely not anything to complain about. Since the snow arrived over a period of about 10 days, or at least it seemed like it snowed about every day for a good week and a half, we were able to get out and enjoy fresh snow every day. It was fun to see our boys react and interact, and while I'm not one to take a lot of ski pictures anymore (I'd rather be skiing then stopping to take pictures all the time), we did get a few days of great skiing in, and several more days of fun in the snow.
January 23, 2010
Closeness and courage 8:37 PM
We have now been able to spend almost two months together, close, together as brothers, mamma and sons, daddy and sons and husband and wife. And also as being part of other family here in California. Being a family spending so much time together, made me think of thousands yeas ago, a hundreds years ago and today, that it is in our families that we learn to take the freedom and opportunities presented to us and make something of them. It is in our families that we learn courage. We learn how to become self reliant and to focus on our personal potential of service to others. We all have to practise self-discipline and moderation. We have to foster respect for our family members, which extends to the outside world, as well as the love we have for our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters. With our mistakes and learning in this little society, we experience justice and mercy for our mistakes and trespasses against others. It is in our families that life is lived. Families are never perfect, but families are the best way we know to develop as people. I am grateful for being able to spend so much time together.
January 18, 2010
Waiting for the Big Snow 10:41 PM
Despite arriving to a fair amount of snow on the ground last week, and another 15-20 cm a few days ago, the impending snow storm is the one we've been waiting for, not to mention one of the reasons we decided to spend the winter here in Truckee. While Elias and Frêney don't really care whether it's a few centimeters or a couple meters, daddy does... So really it's me doing the most waiting and being the most optimistic. Although both boys (well at least Elias) do love the thrill of snow falling and accumulating
January 14, 2010
Truckee - Sunshine, Snow, and Skiing 9:11 PM
At last the holiday season has wound to a close and we have made our way to Truckee for (most of) the rest of the winter. With plenty of snow on the ground and sunny blue skies, what better way to get reacquainted with this beautiful area. A few centimeters of fresh snow, an eager two year old, a happy-go-lucky 11 month old, and a daddy and mamma relieved to finally be able to start settling in for the season.
The winter is still full of plenty of unknown and unplanned adventures, but now we have Truckee as a base for the next few months while we ski, play in the snow, and make the occasional get away to other exciting places here in California. The boys can play with their cousin Sage, and we all can try to get a feel for the community that we have sensed on previous visits.
The winter is still full of plenty of unknown and unplanned adventures, but now we have Truckee as a base for the next few months while we ski, play in the snow, and make the occasional get away to other exciting places here in California. The boys can play with their cousin Sage, and we all can try to get a feel for the community that we have sensed on previous visits.
January 12, 2010
January 1, 2010
The year of getting dirty 12:01 AM
As the year progresses we'll see where we end up, but along the way we want to feel course granite with our finger tips as we boulder in places like the Buttermilks in the east side of the Sierras, taste the salty breeze coming off the Pacific Ocean as we comb the sandy beaches along the coast, enjoy beautiful sunrises and sunsets in remote places, sleep under the stars, enjoy the snow under our skis and the dirt under our bare feet, see lots of wild animals, and just plain be outside as much as possible.
In the short time we already have been here, we've already had a good start, but now it's time to really pull up the anchor and set sail. We hope that you, also will join us as we journey along and share our adventures both in words and images. And above all, we hope that you too will make time to get out.